Saturday, August 11, 2012

Time has been flying

I just have to say, time has been flying by for the beginning of this deployment! I don't want to jinx it but seriously I can't believe it. My kids have kept me busy and distracted and it's great.

I thought staying home would make time drag but I love it. Extra time with my kids, making little crafts and reading books. The little things are great and can't forget trying to capture all the special moments for Daddy. That is a hard thing to do because everything seems special and I just keep taking pictures lol.
The hardest thing on me has prob been my 2 year old and how she has taken the deployment. She doesn't know what is going on, but Daddy is not here and she asks questions, shows her emotions and has had a lot of tantrums. I guess I can't blame her, if I could I would just stop everything and scream and cry with the way I feel sometimes!

It's been a challenge and I know it's going to continue to be, I am ready for it! I know it will all be worth it when my Soldier is back in my arms and playing with the kids in the yard! Can't wait! Next Summer will be here before we know it! Until then...staying strong and growing stronger!

Back to blogging

Well I haven't been so good at keeping this blog up to date. I should prob have this as my vent system. Asmany of you know we had scare on Tuesday with my 3month old. We called911and we got taken to the er. They then transferred us to a larger hospital to get better care, thinking he had an abstracted bowl. After being in hospitals all day, the doctor diagnosed him with... The stomach flu! Really, after all that! It was a long day and yes he was sick but come on people! Scared the crap out of me!
Plus getting ahold of zack was tough and stressful
We are all feeling better now, which is great! Now that we got that out our systems nothing shall go wrong for the rest of this deployment right lol

But yea that's what has been going on for big news. Keeping track of the kids and talking here and there to zack. Trying to stay as busy as we can. Plans to go to the fair that is coming up, and just making plans on the fly seems to happen more often! That's all for now