Friday, June 1, 2012

Let's get it started

Okay so I am new at blogging so bare with me. I figured this would be a way to let my feelings and frustrations all out at the end of each day. Usually it's best to write or talk them out.

This is my first deployment and with two children 2 and under its a little difficult doing it alone. Also it's tough because these are the times so much growth and development occurs and Daddy has to miss it. I am going to do my best to keep track of as much as possible for him but it's still not the same.

It's been almost 5days Since he left and I have not talked to him in over 24 hours. I know I know that is nothing really and it's not just when I have been used to talking to him everyday it's difficult. What makes it more difficult is my two year old already asking when daddy will be coming home! She has a Daddy Doll that I ordered from "hug-a-hero" and it's great. We already had our first daddy to the rescue moment the other morning. She wouldn't let me take her out of bed, it had to be daddy so after begging with her to have mommy help instead I saw the daddy doll laying there and picked it up and told her daddy is right here to help. She came right to me, thank goodness for the daddy doll!

My youngest just turned a month old. It's been tough for my husband to miss most of his first month for pre deployment training but he has put on a tough face and had to face reality which sucks! I have my hands full but am trying to be the best mom I can be even if it's not perfect.

I honestly have cried very little which I don't know if it's a good or bad thing. I keep telling myself it's only a year and our daughters first two years went by super fast! But the thing is it is a long time and where he is and what he is doing is tough to take in. Not knowing when you will hear his voice or see his face is almost unbearable, and then when you do it's not nearly long enough.

Well that's all for tonight I am going to try this out and see if it makes me feel any better.

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