Monday, June 4, 2012

Running, Running thats what we do

GOOD NEWS EVERYONE! I started my long needed adventure back to the gym this morning! haha. It was actually a lot better than I expected, and yes I say that now, tomorrow morning may not be that great. I am planning on going Monday, Wednesday and Friday each week. I am going to try my hardest to keep this a routine because I need to lose the weight and plus why not do something and my soldier :-) That started my day with RUNNING.

Back to the house I continued running, chasing my 2 year old around trying to get clothes on. Then we packed up the car and headed to buy something for Zack's gun to send to him. Pretty funny to see the reaction of the guy working at the gun shop when I stumbled in with a 2 year old and a infant in a carseat. His face was priceless. He said "Is there something I you with?" I immediatly laughed and said actually yes. I told him what I needed and he directed me to it. He showed me a few ranging from $17 to $70. (Zack told me 20-30 range) he was doing such a great job telling me all the details about the item I didnt want to interupt, even though I had made up my mind as soon as I saw the $17 one. After his speal I grabbed the "cheap" one and purchased it. He then walked me over to the door and opened it for me saying "you have your hands full" REALLY? haha
Oh and a side note, I asked if they ahd Military Discount because well I always do and his response was " we don't because we treat everyone equally" What the heck, he could of just said no but honestly that made it sound like, well a little rude to me. Our Soldiers are NOT equal to everyone else they are risking their lives and fighting for our country, NOT EVERYONE DOES THAT!

Then off to the office to get a copy of orders and some other paperwork. We got there and it was, well lunch breatk I figured I would wait around and feed Anders anyway. It was 45 minutes and they still didn't come back so I left because Abbey was getting restless and wanted to swim of course because the waterpark was on the other side of the glass window we were sitting by haha.
Then the LONG BORING drive home. Abbey fell asleep, Anders fell asleep, all I wanted to do was FALL ASLEEP

Oh but wait, I forgot I needed to go to Walmart, so to Walmart I go. Got some shopping done and picked up some food. Then the drive home

Now I'm sitting at home, doing some enrollment for school, blogging obviously and chasing my child around as well. I'm going to sleep good tonight!
If Anders doesn't keep me up haha oh well gotta stay busy to make this deployment go as fast as it can!

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