Saturday, June 2, 2012

One more day down!

well today, hmmm where to start.  I guess start at the beginning.

Abbey slept in until about 830pm and thats crazy!  I had to wake up and check on her when I was feeding Anders at 7am.  When she woke up the first thing out of her mouth was "Cereal Mom", so of course grabbed a box of life and not thinking brought it back to my bed.  I had Life EVERYWHERE!  I was so tired, that I layed back down and must of dozed off.  woke up to that.  GREAT. After cleaning that mess up, we crawled out of bed.

Anders was still sleeping so I asked Abbey what she wanted to wear for the day and of course she said "JAMMIES" After about 3 minutes of convincing her that jammies were not in the clothing attire for the day she decided on a sundress. I guess thats not too much a struggle but then, getting ready to leave the house now thats been a challenge for me lately.  I pack the diaper bag, go in the other room to get Anders dressed and Abbey unpacks the diaper bag" helping " of course.  She tells me that I forgot to put something in...everytime it's something different that I forgot, today it was Anders diapers which were spread out on the floor of the living room. 
Finally getting that all in the bag, and Anders dressed it's time to head out the door.  Abbey has the touch the car routine down, so when I'm getting Anders in I can keep an eye on her.  Which will have to change now because she attemped to run off today, almost made it to the road.  SCARED ME SO MUCH!  I guess it's a learning process for all of us, and she's got so much new stuff to figure out.

On a side note, the FRG meeting was a complete success! So many new faces and great support team for our soldiers. It's great to see the willingness of family members to learn and want to help. When they told us that Frgs come alive during a deployment, they were right! Hopefully the mtgs will continue to be busy with people coming to learn and support. I remember when I was new to the group and it was a little overwhelming learning a lot of new things and now through a deployment, a lot of the people I talked with we're of course overwhelmed and didn't know much about what to expect. Hopefully they feel a little relief knowing so many more people are going through the same thing and there is always someone out there to help wether it be a resource that was talked about or just a fellow family member to lend an ear!

Oh and I am forgetting a major part to my night, I TALKED TO MY HUBBY! It was great to hear the little notification on Skype that he was online. I was told Internet may be limited and non accessible for location and training schedule so I wasnt expecting to chitchat for awhile. It's crazy how your heart just beats faster and you get the butterflies in your stomach when you hear from him. It hasn't even been a dang week lol! We has a good talk and his first care package is going out Monday or Tuesday because I have to go get him something for his weapon and not sure if I will find it Monday or not, that's why it may go out Tuesday lol. I already apologized in advance to him if I got the wrong thing haha.

Well it's quite late/early so I better get SOME shut eye before Anders' decides he is hungry again. See you all tomorrow, hopefully!

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